Thirteenth Conference of the Euro-American Consortium for Promoting the Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences, Albena, Bulgaria, June 24-29, 2021

The basic registration fee for the conference is 120 EUR (or equivalent in US dollars or leva) without postal expenses and covers the conference materials, office rent and equipment, and proceedings. It should be paid via bank transfer after acceptance and approval till the very beginning of the conference. Depending on the circumstances and regulations a hybrid format will be possible. Those of you who arrive in Albena should pay 100 EUR more covering the welcome party, cofee breaks, social activities, etc. This amount can be paid in the same way or in cash upon registration. At this stage it is difficult to predict what happens then and we will supply follow the changes of scene. Any updates of the organization you can find on this website.

The following bank accounts (in leva, euro, or US dollars) are opened:

Central Cooperative Bank Plc,
branch “Yug", Bulgaria, 1612 Sofia, 23 Emine str.

in BGN  IBAN:  BG05 CECB 9790 10E8 0164 00
in EUR  IBAN:  BG19 CECB 9790 14E8 0164 00
in USD  IBAN:  BG57 CECB 9790 11E8 0164 00

BIC:      CECBBGSF                                                                                                

Beneficiary: DZZD “Euro-American Consortium for Promoting the Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences” (abbreviated as DZZD EAKPPMTNE). "Participation fee for conference 13th AMiTaNS'21".

All who are interested in attending the Conference please fill out the online Application form.